The Aquatarium at Tall Ships Landing is an indoor aquarium and discovery centre located in Brockville.

The Aquatarium is a fairly new addition to town of Brockville, with it's grand opening in 2016. The facility is spacious, clean and contains lots of things to see and do. Admission to the Aquatarium will run about $60 for a family of four, however many local libraries have passes that can be borrowed that considerably reduce that rate. Most families can expect to spend a couple of hours here, possibly longer if they let their kids spend copious amounts of time at certain exhibits.

Otter Feeding

The main draw at the Aquatarium is the Otter habitat. The Otters are given live feedings by staff twice a day during which the staff provide more information for those in attendance about the otters and draw them to the side of the glass enclosure for a closer look by those in attendance. The otters are "rescues", but they are not a species native to the St. Lawrence River.

Aside from the Otters, the Aquatarium offers many other activities to partake in. The facility has numerous high-tech displays allowing visitors to interact with projections on table tops to learn more information about the wildlife and St. Lawrence River in general. There is also a rope course through part of the space, allowing those brave enough (don't worry, you're harnessed) to experience what it might have been like to climb through the rigging of a sailing ship. The rope courses are an additional cost beyond your admission.

Water Table

Another notable exhibit is the power of water area. These water tables are not just for kids to play with rubber duckies though, you can experiment with changing currents and flows and learn the basics of hydro electric generation through experimentation. Within that same area in an inconspicuous corner also sits a remote control for an underwater vehicle that you can use to explore the main dive tank.


Throughout the space are numerous fish tanks and other wildlife such as turtles that one would expect to find in the St. Lawrence River. Some of the wildlife are in open top areas where staff can help you handle them, while others are in expansive tanks that surround you on your walk through the area.

There are numerous other hands on activities to take part in, such as a small theatre, a green screen for trying your hand at being a television reporter, a rowing machine, a wind wall and a small library that offers both books and craft activities. The Aquatarium runs numerous summer camps and can also be booked for private events such as birthday parties for the kids or staff parties for your workplace. For everything the Aquatarium has to offer, please visit the website.