Fort Wellington overlooks the St. Lawrence River and the marina in Prescott. As it's run by parks Canada it's free for those under 17 and less than $4 for admission for adults, with a season pass costing about $10. Even a personally guided tour can be had for approximately $7.50 per person. The site is open from May to Thanksgiving, although hours vary with the season.

The Fort itself is in it's second incarnation, having been abandoned for a period of time after it's initial purpose was fulfilled. There are numerous sites along the St. Lawrence of significance to the war of 1812, but the Fort as it stands now is closer to it's 1840s appearance when it was used once again to defend the north shore of the St. Lawrence.

Fort Wellington - inside the walls

There are just a few buildings that make up the fort, as almost all life happened in and around the blockhouse. Similarly, the blockhouse today is the focal point, with numerous ways to explore the history of the fort within. The staff at fort dress in period costume and are always willing to play the part. Children have numerous activities they can partake in, and those interested in a more thorough history lesson can get it from both the exhibits and the staff.

There are a couple of other buildings on site, but I won't spoil the surprise of what they contain in this post.


One of the additions to the fort in it's second incarnation was the Caponierre. It's a unique experience to travel down the tunnel and see what the soldiers garrisoned here would have experienced. For those interested, Saturdays offer the ability to fire one of the cannons, although there is an additional charge to do this.

The fort also has a visitor's centre on the grounds, which contains numerous artifacts and exhibits, as well as the wreckage of a gunboat from the war of 1812 era that was recovered from the St. Lawrence River which is a fairly unique exhibit.

The Fort also hosts a whiskey tasting event, has a cenotaph on the grounds and is the site of numerous celebrations such as Canada Day festivities and Prescott's Rememberance Day service. For more information about the Fort and what it offers, please visit the website.