Hunters Maple Products is a family owned and operated sugar bush in Spencerville, about an hour south of Ottawa. As the maple syrup season is heavily dependent on the weather it is typically open on the weekends in March and April from 8am to 3pm.

The family has owned the 100 acres on which the sugar bush is situated since immigrating to the area in 1821. All seven generations have been tapping maple syrup or participating in the family business in some way.

Buckets on trees

You're welcome to follow the lines through the property and see the trees that are being tapped. It can however be quite muddy as the syrup flows in the spring, so boots are advised. They are open Easter weekend and have been known to do a little something extra to celebrate it.

The big draw of course is the ability to have a pancake breakfast with real, fresh maple syrup. The portions are generous and reasonably priced. Kids pancakes get crafted in fun shapes and there is even a "paleo pancake" option which is gluten, dairy and sugar free.

Current Evaporator

After breakfast, assuming it's not too busy, you can ask for a view of the actual maple syrup production process. It's not an official guided tour by any means, just a look behind closed doors with one of the people that actually make the syrup. They're quite happy to show you the equipment and answer any questions you may have about the process, or anything else your curious children may find back there.

Assuming you enjoy maple syrup, you can obviously buy a bottle to take home. There is also maple candy, fudge and butter on offer for you to buy should you desire.

For more information about Hunters Maple products, please visit visit their website.