Prehistoric World is a mostly hidden dinosaur park in Morrisburg, which is around an hour south of Ottawa. The dinosaur park isn't advertised, doesn't have a website, but a quick search will tell you it's well loved. The park is normally open from 10am to 4pm, the last weekend in May to Labour Day, but without an easy way to check what dates and times it truly is open, it's advised to call ahead if you're not already in the area. The number published in 2018 is 613-543-2503.

The park is actually a private piece of property run by two brothers who are responsible for all the dinosaur creations, maintenance of the grounds, and everything else. At least one of them lives in the house that doubles as the entrace and gift shop, but I didn't feel it was appropriate to dig too much into their personal history and back story. They've been at it over 25 years, which is long enough that people who went as kids with their parents, or part of a school trip, are now returning with their own children.

Giant Dinosaurs

The main attraction of the park is the life size dinosaurs and other creatures that are along an approximately 1km walking loop through a wooded area. The aforementioned brothers are responsible for the creation of all these creatures, which when you consider the number and scale of them is quite impressive. Because they're still adding to the collection, you can normally find one or two in various states of completion, which is an interesting glimpse into how it's accomplished.

Fossil Dig

The walk through is only about a kilometre, and quite is easy. Even with copious amounts of picture taking and dinosaur hugging, it is likely to only take about an hour to see the over 50 dinosaurs. You're welcome to keep walking around after admission, however your children will likely have spotted the fossil dig site and want to spend some time there. Pictured above, it's basically a giant sand box with (fake) fossils in it for the children to dig up. Many children end up spending as much time in the sand as they do walking around.


It is truly about the dinosaurs, and there's not much beyond that. However, there is a picnic area with enough picnic tables that you're unlikely to be searching for one if you planned ahead and packed a lunch.

Admission is $10 for adults and $6 for kids, meaning the average family will spend about $30. It should be noted that it is cash only, which, knowing they don't advertise or have a website and basically do this for the love of it, is not a huge surprise.

For more about the dinosaurs, you'll have to go visit for yourself!